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Friday, August 5, 2011

Who I Am...............

I swear it changes on a daily basis. Today, I am a happy, motivated, go-getter. Tomorrow, I may be the next Scrooge. But for now, a little about this very point in my life. I am a mother of two beautiful, but obnoxious children. Two and a half, and almost five, and full of energy that they think I can keep up with! They make me crazy, but also melt my heart at the very same time. I love being a mom...........most of the time. I've been married almost six years to my best friend, who also has a tendancy to drive me crazy.  I'm sure I have the same effect on him. Right now, I'm training for my first figure building show, which is a day to day struggle due to low amounts of carbohydrates, not nearly enough sleep, and everyone doing EVERYTHING they can to annoy me. ( at least it seems that way ) I've been saying for years that I was going to do this, but when it comes to self discipline........yeah, serious lack-there-of. I've inlisted in the help of an amazing trainer and my workout partner is amazing at keeping me accountable, so I've committed to a show in October. Crap. It's getting easier, the hardest part being the diet. But, I am going to do this. We ordered our shoes for the show last Sunday, and they should arrive today, so I'm looking forward to that. I am not, however, looking forward to posing in them at 5:15 tomorrow morning.............more later.

The Beginning............

I'm no one special, just a typical wife and mother of two, needing some space and time to vent. I've often thought about blogging, but never really felt the need until recent built-up aggression pointed me ever so lightly in this direction. So, if you ever wanted to know whats inside my attic, you've arrived.